dimanche, février 16, 2025

[A MATER] MINUIT teaser #2

A film by Yoan Taillandier
a skateboard film about night skating. Filmed in the streets of Bordeaux, Tokyo, Osaka and San Francisco.
Featuring: Masaki Ui, Sebastien Daurel, Leo Valls, Soy Panday, Vivien Feil, Akira Imamura, Shinpei Ueno, Shingo Ogura, Milos Xiradakis, Matias Elichabehere, Alex Richard, Antoine Roussel, Gaetan Salvignol, Remi Chamouleau, Gautier Rouger, Antoine Riviere, Evan Kinori, Yonnie Cruz, Takamaro Kondo, Jiro Kaneko, Carlos Young and many more…
Soundtracks by Kicks, Grib and Opsb. Dvd available winter 2010!
> http://blog.tightbooth.com http://yoantaillandier.com/